Creating products

Creating products

What will they do?

In this help document we will show you how to make products in your Spont cash register. We do this by first explaining the basics step by step. Then we will go deeper into the extensive product settings for those who want to get the most out of their cash register.

Creating products the basis

Products you create must be able to link to a category. Therefore, you must first have created a category before you can create a product. Click on this link to go to the help document about creating categories.

1. Go to your products

  1. Press the second icon in the dark bar.
  2. Press "products".
  3. Press the plus to add a product.
Once you have done this, you will see the following:

2. Set the mandatory product information

  1. Give the product a name. (1)​​​
  2. Set the sales price and VAT percentage. (2)
  3. Add the corresponding category. (3)

3. Add the comprehensive product information

  1. Add a description to your product (4). This is only important if you use QR codes/web orders.
  2. Add a tag to your product (5) such as chicken/fish/vega
  3. Add a printer at product level (6), usually this happens at category level but if you want this specific product to be printed by another printer it can be set here.
  4. Add a color to the product (7), this color will be seen in the iPad. Spont gives some basic colors but it is also possible to paste a #hex code into the bar below. Use ctrl+c/ctrl+v for this.
  5. Add an image to the product (8). This is only important if you use QR codes/web orders.
  6. Set whether you want to open the dailpad with product details by default on the iPad when the product is tapped (9).
  7. Here you can give the product a different name on the production voucher for the staff.

Tips for the expert

In this section, we give some tips and tricks to get the most out of Spont, an absolute must for the advanced Spont user.
  1. If you want to change many products at once, use "bulk edit" see a help document how to work with this.
  2. Do you want to add many products to your Spont cash register at once. Then import your products from an Excel document, see here a help document how to do this.
  3. If you want to duplicate an even product, see a help document here that shows you how to do this.

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